Translation Kit

version 1.0


About this kit

About this kit

The 'Qt Linguist' software that I'm providing here is a free soft made by Trolltech for the translations of Qt applications. This is thus not my own program. I'm only giving a package to allow the users to create their own translations, since this soft was made especially for them (even if they aren't programmers themselves).

The complete documentation for Qt Linguist is available on Trolltech's website. ;)

If you want to create a new translation, you will need a TS file. You will have to edit this file with the soft in order to create the QM file which contains the translations used by my programs. Thus if there is no version of your own language yet, just contact me to ask me the TS file and I will send it to you. Then you will be able to do the translation, and resend me the TS file; then I will make the new QM file and provide it with the other ones. :)

If I have to make an update of the soft, your TS file will be updated as well, and I will ask you if you can translate only the few new lines that will appear with the older ones.


For any comments or suggestion, feel free to send me a mail!

18 January 2005
Julien PATTE